10 Count Guide To Picking The Perfect Outfit Everytime!

When I was fresh out of high school I was crowned “Dairy Princess” of my hometown. This meant I traveled around educating people about the importance of milk and dairy products with the Real California Milk Advisory. Right after getting my sash and crown they shipped me out of town to learn all there is about milk, speaking and etiquette. I learned many things on that trip, but the two big things I still use today are, the 10 counting steps to picking the perfect outfit, and dinner etiquette. I know you are here for all the fashion 411 so lets dive right in!


Each piece of clothing, hair accessory, hat, bag, jewelry, shoes are all 1 point. If the item has a print, sequins or anything that makes it more than a neutral piece it is 2 points. The etiquette class explained to never go over 10 points, but also not to go under 5, at the risk of being a bit boring and not having that sparkle factor.

  • As shown above the green dress with flowers would be 2 points.

  • The hat would be 1 point.

  • The bag could be 1 or 2 points depending on what you wear it with. If I wore it with the dress I would say 1 point.

I am a bit basic as I’ve gotten older so I mostly use this when I am about to leave the house and want to make sure I have enough points. When they first taught me this method I had a print skirt, tiara, sash and a sequined sweater among other things. Lets just say I was well above 10! Here are a few examples of my everyday outfits and how I count them!

It’s always fun to push the boundaries and make your style uniquely yours! This is my way of helping ensure I have classic, beautiful outfits in many different styles! I Hope this helps you in your evolution of your own fashion game….and never forget to do so following proper etiquette!

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