Wrapping Up Christmas With Clevermade

If your new around here you may not know how obsessed I am with Clevermade products. I love everything about their products and how they make my life so much easier. When Christmas is sadly over this year and your boxing up those ornaments and gorgeous Christmas decor, you’ll want Clevermade by your side.


With every snap of a box it makes storing just as easy as stacking them away! Whether you are storing them under your bed or in a closet there is a Clevermade package that will work for you. In our house, we love using the crates for perfect storage in our spare bedroom closet or our attic. The storage containers stack on top of each other making them super sturdy and perfect for ornaments and breakable items. Click -here- for crates.


The collapsible 44 liter soft storage is perfect to store under my bed as well as to put Winter and holiday sweaters in and store in my closet. The steel frame gives this storage a sturdy frame so that you can stack them but the soft edges makes it perfect for the holiday decor that is oddly shaped. Click -here- for soft storage.


The last item I can’t do without this holiday season is Clevermade’s new package theft and weather protection. This helps all my Christmas gifts to stay safe after being delivered. Holiday season is the biggest time of year for porch pirates to strike, and they don’t deserve to take away our gifts. This package protection gives me peace of mind when i’m not home but are having packages delivered. Click -here- for Parcel Lockbox.

Make this holiday a little bit easier with Clevermade.

Xo, Amanda Warren